• For the Hindu culture, the body is a place where the soul, the vital force, is housed.

    The Kama Sutra (Aphorisms about sexuality), written by Vatsiaiana in the Gupta period, between 240 and 550 BC, is an ancient Hindu treatise on sexuality that holds that Kama (sexual desire) is one of the means to achieve moksha (salvation).

    On the other hand, Shivalinga is venerated throughout India, a symbolic representation of that of the god Shiva for his cult in the temples, related to that of his sexual union with the goddess Parvati, his consort.


    Hindu temples were places of encounter, of social relations, and in them the interaction between people, sexual contacts, with freedoms seen in the West as regards sexual orientations and their public expression, bisexuality, sexuality in group and other practices were never failed.


    Dancers, courtesans, dancers and musicians, transsexual people, were present in the temples and gave color and beauty. The sculptures show it, without limitations, any part of the human body, without restricting proportions and without avoiding details.


    Equally the gods and goddesses, of a beautiful, attractive sensuality, of resounding forms, athletic men and sensual women. They all show the most varied sexual links, without avoiding any form or contortion. A sample are the sculptures of the Khajuraho temples, in Madhya Pradesh, from the 10th century.


    In the culture of the devadasi sect, until the twentieth century, when they were banned, young men dedicated to prostitution in the temples, and entertained with their sacred dances, were served by the bankers (in Sanskrit: servant of God).


    Lingam and ioni


    In the archaeological places of the Indus Valley culture, Jarapa and Mohensho Daro, objects that could be the lingla-ioni duo (phallus and vulva) have been found. If it were proven that this is the case, this evidence could support the theory of cultural continuity between that ancient culture (which existed between the 20th century BC and the 18th century BC. And the subsequent Aryan culture. The origin and interpretation of the lingam is a subject of intense debate: The lingam is represented by an ovoid stone, or an ovoid stone within one with a cavity that contains it or monoliths.


    The cult of lingam, in India, dates back to prehistory, to the ancient sexual rites of fertility, to the cult of the Great Goddess. For Tantra, the lingam is the set formed by the male organ set in the female sex (known as yoni, Temple or Sacred Space) and not just the phallus. In the tantric rites, ejaculation is the procreative moment par excellence, when the feminine energy seizes the sperm to arouse a new life. Every creative act is accompanied by enjoyment and the creation results from a permanent cosmic union that will continue until the end of time.


    The lingam, sword of light, in Sanskrit, is a symbol of the Phallus, more in its sense of masculine energy than of a penis. It is often represented along with the ioni, a symbol of the vulva, the feminine energy. Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, known for his work on mythology and comparative religion, relates the ioni to the goddess Kali, the dark one), who is the bloody consort of the god Shiva. The union of both represents "the indivisible unity in the duality of the masculine and the feminine, a passive space and an active time from which all life originates." There are those who maintain that the cult of lingam was a characteristic of the indigenous religions of India, the Stambha pillar, without beginning or end, which suggests the infinite nature of Shiva.

      Tantric genitals were real entities, revered in worship and exhibited in temples and in public for contemplation. In particular, the Lingam is placed within the Yoni, so that the masculine principle is balanced with the feminine qualities.




    The Kama sutra is an ancient Hindu text of Sanskrit literature, which deals with human sexual behavior. Etymologically it can mean, "aphorisms about sexuality", and some authors claim that a treatise to teach about sexual relations is more good. The Kāma refers to sexual fullness, pleasure of the senses and sensual gratification, love and aesthetic enjoyment of life.


    It was written by Vatsiaiana and, chronologically, the author is placed in the Gupta Period (which took place between 240 and 550 A.D.). The most famous English translation is that of Sir Richard Francis Burton, from 1883. Another important translation is that of Indra Shina, made in the seventies of the twentieth century.


     The Kama sutra is composed of 36 chapters that deal with 7 different topics, each of which was written by an expert in the field. Sex in general, about the sexual act, kisses, sexual games, and list of sexual positions That is usually confused with all the Kama Sutra). There is also a section of moral texts, about choosing a wife, courtship, marriage, and others with suggestions on how to attract other people or about courtesans.

    Eroticism in ancient Hindu art

    Another confusion is to confuse the Kama Sutra with a pornographic treatise, when what is intended is to give instructions on how to make love more sensitive and effective. Making love is the art of playing with each other, discovering the most sensitive points of the couple in order to feel pleasure and always keep in mind what is the difference between the two.


    The rest of the book offers advice on how to be a good citizen and shows some ideas about relationships between men and women. The Kama sutra defines sex as a "divine union." Vatsyayana believed that sex by itself was not something "bad", but practicing it in a frivolous way was sinful. Kama sutra has helped many people enjoy the art of sex at a deeper level, and can be considered a technical guide for sexual enjoyment, as well as an outline of sexual practices in India during that time.

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  • Art, eroticism and representations in ancient Rome


    Roman erotic art was not only inspired by the legitimate and illegitimate relations of the Romans, also in the perversions of the emperors, in some religious festivities and in everyday life. For the most interesting videos on blonde teen creampie visit our website.

    Roman society was governed by certain rules of conduct and ethics, it was very promiscuous and liberal, especially during the period of the end of the Republic and the High Empire, where sexual relations outside the couple were considered completely normal and where, for free citizens, there was great sexual freedom.

    However, a Roman citizen could have sexual relations easily and in parallel with his wife at home, with a man in the hot springs, with a prostitute in a brothel, or obviously also with one or several slaves, and only be criticized if he was not able of keeping everything in its place.

    Historical erotic art

    Homosexuality was also not frowned upon in ancient Rome, and spoiled by men who assumed an active attitude in sexual relations. These relationships maintained very precise rules, in which there was always a master and a subject, the latter being almost always young people of a lower social class or slaves.


    Prostitutes were educated for conversation and pleasure, had to wear different clothes, dye their hair or wear yellow wigs and were registered in a register. In I d.C. The registry had 32,000 registered prostitutes. The Lupanares were the dating houses of the time. Its exterior walls were decorated with murals alluding to sex to be visibly identified. In addition, during the night, they were identified with a large illuminated phallus.


    One of the rituals of ancient Rome with more sexual load and whose purpose was the exaltation of fertility, was the feast of the Lupercals, which were held every February 15 around the Palatine Hill. Its name derives from lupus (wolf), in reference to the Faper Luperco, Romanization of the Greek Pan, god of forests, agriculture and grazing. Luperco was the god of fertility and unbridled male sexuality, endowed with great power and sexual appetite.


    The cult of the phallus

    The cult to the phallus, has an ancient and considerable tradition in almost all the ancient cultures of any point of the globe, since the survival of the group was closely linked to both the fertility of women and the fertility of nature itself, so that the cult of the phallus was a means of guaranteeing this fertility.


    The phallus in Latin culture was also venerated as the personification of the god Fascinus: the midwives adorned it with crowns of flowers and their cult was entrusted to the Roman Vestales, whose mission was to ward off the fascinum or evil eye, produce the Germination of dried plants and favor the delivery of sterile females. To do this, they carried out a procession through the countryside between lustful chants, which refers us to their original agricultural function; to later be deposited in the temple located in one of the oldest hills of Rome, the Velia.


    The phallus was a symbol of fertility


    In Greco-Latin mythology there are numerous divinities represented with the erect penis. Dionysus (Bacchus), and his son Priapus (Fascinus), as well as Hermes (Mercury) and his son Pan. Each of these divinities had more or less influence according to times and places. In Roman culture, the images of Priapus stand out with their huge phallus, which were located at the entrance of gardens and orchards, to scare away thieves and vermin.


    In many Roman weddings, during premarital rites, the Roman bride sat astride the image of a phallus, which represented Mutinus Tutinus, a phallic deity of marriage, as preparation for intercourse and to prevent sterility.


    It served as protection against the evil eye


    The evil eye (fascination) was a widespread belief in Roman society, it was the pernicious influence, that a person can exert on everything around him, without resorting to any ceremony or magic formula, sometimes without intending it or against it even of his will. The Romans were very superstitious and feared the evil eye almost as much as death. So they searched in magic, in witchcraft and in superstition the causes and solutions to everything that traditional medicine could not cure. So there was a whole repertoire of amulets, spells and talismans against the evil eye, where, especially, the use of phallic symbols stood out.


    Phallic amulets (Fascinum), widely used for children, until the taking of the virile gown at age 17 and for women, especially among pregnant women. These amulets were of different shapes, sizes and materials, although they were usually small and were hung around the neck by a ring, suspended by a small chain or leather strap.


     The "fist and phallus amulet" was frequent

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